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Biography of Jody Smith by Sharron Stone Johnson
Jody Carl Smith was born June 28, 1991, in Vidalia, Georgia, to Sharron Stone Smith and Johnny O. Smith. Jody had two sisters that he loved dearly, Jessica and Joni.
Jody attended Kindergarten in Hazlehurst, Georgia.
Jody lived with his mother in Americus, Georgia (Sumter County) after his parents divorced in 1995.
Jody’s mother married Sumter County businessman Paul Howard Johnson, Jr. in May of 1997. Jody loved his step-dad and they became good friends.
Jody started first grade in the Sumter County School System where he graduated from Americus Sumter High School in 2009.
While growing up Jody made many friends. Jody and his close friends called themselves “The BROS”. Jody’s best friend, Nick Smarr was part of that group. On weekends, they would all gather on the Johnson property where they would sit around the fire, playing music, and having fun.
While in school, Jody met the love of his life, a sweet and pretty girl named Sarah Smarr. Jody and Sarah dated through high school but ended their dating relationship right after graduation, but stayed in contact with each other as friends.
Jody and Nick worked their first job together at the movie theatre in Americus. They both wore a red vest, white shirt, black pants, and a black bow tie. After leaving that job, Jody continued his fondness for bow ties, and could be seen wearing one whenever he got the chance.
Jody was a big man with a compassionate heart. He gave big strong hugs. Many people got those hugs because he was a friend to all who knew him. Jody’s mother was blessed with many precious hugs and he never failed to tell his mother that he loved her.
After graduating from High School Jody moved from home; and, he and Nick set up housekeeping in various places in Americus. Jody always stayed in close contact with his mother in Americus and his father in Telfair County. Jody also continued to bring his mother his dirty clothes, and never failed to ask her “what’s for supper”. And, he always called on Mama when he was sick knowing she’d come running.
In 2011, Jody moved to Telfair County where he worked for his father, who was Sheriff at the time. Nick followed Jody to the Telfair County Sheriff’s Office where they both worked as Detention Officers. In 2012, Jody and Nick attended the Georgia Police Academy at ABAC where they graduated on December 7, 2012.
On January 1, 2013, both Jody and Nick moved back to Americus and started working with the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office as Deputies. Jody’s badge number was 295. Jody’s mother, Sgt. Sharron Johnson’s, badge number was 294.
In 2014, Jody left the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and went to work with the Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office. Jody also worked part time at the Glenwood Police Department, and the Lumber City Police Department.
Nick Smarr then left the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and worked as a patrol officer with the Vienna Police Department for a short time before going to work for the Americus Police Department.
In 2015, Jody left Wheeler County Sheriff’s Office where he had lived alone and moved back to Americus to be close to his family and friends. Jody then returned to work as a Deputy Sheriff in Sumter County. It wasn’t long before Jody and Nick were housemates again, living in the home of their good friend, Sumter County Deputy Jett Coptias.
Jody worked on Sgt. Jim Bass’ shift, with Deputy Scott Daniel and Cpl. Sam Barragan. They called themselves “The Three Amigos”. They shared a strong bond for each other that could never be broken.
In December of 2015, Jody and Sarah re-kindled their relationship and became engaged in February of 2016. Their wedding plans were for May 20, 2017, with Nick Smarr to be his Best Man.
Jody continued to work for the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and part time jobs to supplement his income. Jody worked part time as a security officer at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center. Jody struggled financially; and, in August 2016, he left the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office and went to work for Georgia Southwestern State University Campus Police. Jody planned to further his education in hopes of a better paycheck for his and Sarah’s future.
When Jody wasn’t working he enjoyed his date nights with Sarah. Jody also enjoyed Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Lakeview Baptist Church where he gained the love and respect of his future father-in-law, Johnny Smarr, and his future mother-in-law, Geri Smarr.
Jody always made time for The BROS, playing golf or just sitting around a fire, listening to music, and laughing with a cold drink in his hand.
Jody worked with and crossed paths with First Responders from multiple agencies, touching the lives of many officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, emergency personal, state troopers, and the public. Jody was generous and quick to make friends and memories with all in a positive way.
On Wednesday, December 7, 2016, exactly 4 years after Jody and Nick graduated from the police academy, they responded to a domestic disturbance call, and were murdered by a career criminal with a 32-page rap sheet.
Jody Smith biography by his Daddy Johnny O. Smith
Jody Carl Smith the son of Johnny O. Smith and Sharron(Smith) Johnson was born in Vidalia, Ga. June 28, 1991. He was born into a huge loving family of two older sisters Jessica and Joni and many cousins, aunts, and uncles. His Grandma Vauneta and Papa C.O. Smith were very important in his life, and had a major influence in Jody's faith in God !!
Jody was a very tough little boy who got into all the things little boys get into. Jody's daddy learned early, if jody cried when he got hurt, then take him to the doctor because something was probably broken. He even wrecked his Grandma's brand new car when he was only three years old. The door wasn't closed and he got in, cranked it up, and drove it into a power pole !! His papa got on to him and 3 yr old Jody said "well if you didn't leave the keys in it ... I couldn't drive it !! " Papa just had to laugh.
His parents divorced when he was around 4yrs old. Jody attended kindergarten in Hazlehurst Ga. then moved to Americus with his mom. Although Jody lived in Americus, he still spent much time with his daddy and family in Telfair, including very much of his summers. Jody's daddy remarried and Jody soon had two younger sisters Rhyan and Jenna. Jody's older sisters loved "little brother" and his younger ones loved their "big brother" in other words all his sisters thought he was the coolest, best, and sweetest brother they could have. The older ones were protective and the younger looked to him as their protector and to all 4 he was "the best" and their hero!!
When Jody and his sisters were at his daddy's, they almost went on some kind of adventure (or mis-adventure) many of them in daddy's boat in the Ocmulgee River which is where Jody got his love for boats and water. The adventures and mis-adventures were all great memories and fun !! Jody loved the many fires, oyster roast, fish frys, and bar-b-q's they had on the farm. The family was always doing something.
Jody's daddy taught him how to drive a boat when he was probably in 1st grade. He taught him gun safety and how to shoot and drive a car soon after (they do things young on the farm). His daddy can never remember ever being mad at him and was proud of him every day of his life.
Jody grew to be a fine boy, young man, and man. He had many friends in Americus and Telfair County. He always had a great school life and personal life because he was just so lovable. All the girls loved him because of his great personality, beautiful blue eyes and eyelashes, oh and how they loved the way he smelled (but the most beautiful thing about him was his HEART) !! While in school Jody met the best friends and closest friends I have ever seen "the bros" they are like brothers to this day ! He also met the Love of his Life a Beautiful blonde from another school Sarah Smarr. He loved her since their first date!
Jody was a very sharp dresser and kept his house, vehicle, and anything he had very neat and orderly. His daddy was in law enforcement for 24 years, Jody had heard of and witnessed many things (exciting and heartbreaking) that his his daddy had done in his career. In 2011 he ask his dad for a job at the Telfair County Sheriff's Office (his dad was then Sheriff). His daddy tried to talk him out of law enforcement. He told him all the bad things he could think of about it, but he also told him the good things. His daddy said "son go to college. Get a degree and a good paying job" Jody said I don't want a boring job and this is what I want to do. his dad said "son it would be pretty exciting cashing those good checks every week from a good paying job". Jody just looked at his daddy and said "well it's your fault that I want to do this" His daddy absolutely had no answer for that. After seeing Jody had (the right stuff) he was hired as a jailor. He was so good at it that very soon the more experienced jail officers were looking to him for leadership, and he delivered. Not long after Jody started another jailor position opened up and Smalls wanted the job. He was told the same things Jody had been told, but it was obvious that he also had (the right stuff). After about a year working the jail, Jody's daddy sent them both to the Police Academy at ABAC. After graduation, they were sworn in as deputies in Jody's Grandma's living room. Then they worked as road deputies for Jody's dad until he went out of office. They then went to Sumter County Sheriff's Office for a while. Jody then came back and worked as a road deputy in Wheeler County full time and part time at Glenwood PD, Alamo PD, and Lumber City PD all at the same time. He worked 7 days a week for quite a while. While living, working, and playing in Telfair and Wheeler Counties he made a huge amount of friends. He also bought his first boat and wanted to take his daddy out in it, but never got to.
One day Jody told his daddy, "I know you have a heart like mine, and I know you'll understand. I'm gonna move back to Americus where I can get back with Sarah, She's The One. I'm gonna Marry her." he also said he wanted a bigger department where he could get more training. His daddy hated to see him go, but wanted him happy (but still encouraged him to get a degree). After Jody moved back to Americus, his daddy would text or call him once or twice a week just to tell him he loved him. His last text to him was Sunday 12/04/16 "I Love You Son, and I'm Proud of You" Jody's response "I Love You Too Pops"
Jody went back to work at Sumter County where he and Smalls moved in with fellow deputy who is now GSP Jett Copsias. They were all like brothers. He also worked security at the hospital there and Police in Plains Ga. He got back with Sarah and soon became engaged. Thinking about his future, he then got a job with Georgia Southwestern University as campus police and still worked part time in Plains. Like everywhere else, they loved him there and he was very good at his job.
During this time Smalls (Nick Smarr) began working for Americus PD.
Jody was the happiest and most satisfied man you could see. He was happy with his entire family, his job, his body, his friends, and his possessions. He was so overwhelmingly in Love with his fiance Sarah Smarr. They had their wedding planned out, their honeymoon planned, Jody had already rented what was going to be their first home together.
Then on the Wednesday morning Dec. 07 2016 his friend and brother Nick Smalls went to a domestic dispute and Jody was there to provide backup for his friend. The offender with a 32 page rap sheet who should have in prison ran. They gave chase and in a moment two freak shots from a thug running away changed the lives of Jody and Nicks family and friends forever, and ended the lives of two beautiful, happy, friendly, good young men.
Jody and Nick's future were taken away that day. All that could have been, never will be! It left Fiance's Destroyed, Empty, Hurt and Broken Hearted. It destroyed Daddy's, Sisters, Brothers, Mama's Hearts and forever changed how they see the world.
Jody was raised with Love, Compassion, Patriotism, to do what is Right and to Protect those who can't or won't protect themselves. That's why he was there on that day. To do what's right. To Protect. To have his friend's back. They showed True Teamwork, Love, Bravery, and Duty!! and lived out........................................John 15:13...Greater has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.
A Heartbroken Daddy Loves You Jody